
Support The Rotary Foundation doing good in the world.

Transforming lives with your generosity

Donating to Rotary means clean water and sanitation. Health and hope in areas that were once ravaged by diseases like polio. Economic development and new opportunities. Your financial help makes all this happen, and more.


Your generous donations to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programmes throughout the world.


General Funds

Giving where the need is greatest.

End Polio Now

Our number one humanitarian goal. Help us protect children from polio.

Our Areas of Focus

We're tackling the world's biggest challenges. Direct your donation to the causes you care about.


The Rotary Foundation of the United Kingdom (RFUK) accepts donations by cheque or bank transfer.

Individual giving - Use the electronic form below.

Club or district giving - Complete the PDF form.

Rotary club officers are reminded that Gift Aid cannot be claimed on club donations. For any further information, please contact us.




Telephone: 01789 756 411 (select the option for Rotary Foundation)

Privacy Statement - Your personal information

Rotary Foundation of the United Kingdom (RFUK, a charity – No. 1002059 – and limited company – No. 2582374 – registered in England), is an associate Foundation of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) of Rotary International Evanston, USA. RFUK collects personal information about you to process your donation and, where applicable, Gift Aid. Some of your personal information is shared with The Rotary Foundation/Rotary International for the maintenance of donation records. Upon creation of an account, you will be able to view your donation records online via Rotary International services. Your information will be processed in accordance with the Rotary privacy statements. RFUK will not sell, trade or share your personal information with non-Rotary third parties nor will it send you mailings on behalf of other unrelated organisations. Details of the full privacy statements for RFUK may be found here and Rotary International may be found here or copies can be requested from our office at: RFUK, Kinwarton Rd., Alcester, B49 6PB, tel: 01789 765411, email: