
Fancy a purple ice cream?

Fancy a purple ice cream?

Fancy a purple ice cream?

That’s what Rotary Huntly members Paul Robinson, Stuart Wright and Philip Morrison thought back in 2016. The trio came up with a cool idea: Purple4Polio ice cream, the proceeds of which would go to support the End Polio Now campaign.

Having the concept was the easy part, making it happen was a bit more challenging. After a great deal of work, within the same year the packaging had been designed for two sizes of tubs and the product was ready.

Paul and Stuart were invited to showcase the ice cream at the Aberdeen Conference where Rotarians enthusiastically sampled it and gave their seal of approval.

At the beginning of 2017, with the help of local MSP Alexander Burnett, an opportunity emerged for the ice cream dream team to meet MSPs at the Scottish Parliament. They discussed Rotary’s polio campaign and dished out a few samples of the blueberry flavoured frozen confection.

The next target was the Rotary Manchester Conference, where Paul and Stuart served up the treat to the delegates, many of whom later visited their stand in the Community Showcase Exhibition. Even the Rotary International Vice-President, Jennifer Jones paid a visit to their display.

Whilst Paul and Stuart were busy in Manchester, a group of Huntly Rotarians were invited by to take the delight to Melrose Sevens rugby event.

Other Rotary clubs have joined with a shared aim to End Polio Now.

After just over a year since the start-up, the sales of Purple4Polio ice cream has funded the equivalent of more than 12,600 life changing polio immunisations.

Thanks to impressive demand and reactions, the ice cream will be available throughout this year and the next. Why not consider ordering the ice cream as a dessert course, for a garden party or as a sales item at an event you may be taking part in.

What will it cost? 


Pack Size

Total List Price
(ex VAT)

Total List Price
(inc VAT)

Recommended Selling on price per tub

1 litre










How do I get it?

Find your local distributor on our dedicated page.

The Rotary Club of Huntly wishes you every success. Now you definitely want to try purple ice cream!