
Fuel-saving stoves project wins environmental award

Fuel-saving stoves project wins environmental award

Around 3,000 fuel-saving stoves have been supplied to villages and schools in the Ugandan district of Mubende thanks to the tireless work of Rotary members from Abingdon in Oxfordshire.

An innovative project in Uganda has won the Rodney Huggins Environmental Award.

The award was presented by Rotary GBI president, Debbie Hodge, to Abingdon Vesper Rotary.

The Oxfordshire-based team have been working in the Ugandan district of Mubende on supplying fuel-saving stoves in villages and schools.

What we are doing is promoting these fuel-saving stoves and showing communities how to build them.”

Maya Smeulders, who has recently returned from Africa, told Rotary members about the project. “I am very happy to receive this award,” she said.

“Since 2007, we have been involved with a project to promote the fuel-saving stoves in villages and schools.

“Because of the scarcity of firewood in Uganda, these stoves only use 30 per cent of the wood which was previously required.

“That means it saves 28 days per year for people to do other activities.”

Maya explained that the stoves were not expensive. They are made from local materials and require only a bit of know-how and organisation to put together.

“What we are doing is promoting these fuel-saving stoves and showing communities how to build them,” added Maya.

“So far we have supplied 3,000 stoves in the province of Mubende. We hope this is going to make waves across the whole of Uganda.”

Debbie Hodge congratulated Abingdon Vespers Rotary for their dedication and hard work on the project.

The Rodney Huggins Environmental Award is an annual competition to celebrate environmental achievements by Rotary members.

Winners receive a cash bursary to help continue their work.

The full story:

The power of Rotary partnership in a Ugandan town

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