
GlobalGiving Accelerator plan

GlobalGiving Accelerator plan

Help organisations earn a spot on GlobalGiving.

The March 2019 Accelerator is a crowdfunding campaign for non-profits organised by GlobalGiving.

Each project must raise funds between 11th March 2019 and 29th March 2019.

Projects that raise at least $5,000 from at least 40 unique donors during the Accelerator will be known as a graduate and permanent partner with GlobalGiving.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019 is Bonus Day.

GlobalGiving will have a $20,000 Incentive Fund that will be proportionally divided between organisations that raise funds throughout the day.

There will also be two $1,000 cash bonus prizes for the project with the most funds raised and the project with the most unique donors on Bonus Day.

Bodmin Rotary

Improve Community Fire Safety in Northern Albania

The North Albanian community need to have their own functioning fire appliance (engine) and Bodmin Rotary have donated a fire engine appliance to the community but need funding to renovate it, take it to the destination and, more importantly, teach the community how to use it.

This project will save lives and give the community a focus on fire safety and prevention.

It will also create employment for the local community and have a positive impact on the local economy and on their individual families.

Cannock Rotary

Provision of Sanitation for a Village in Nepal

Gimdi is a village 45 miles south of Kathmandu and has a population of 2500 people over a 25km area and only one toilet.

The aim is to provide 70 long drop toilets, providing safe clean sanitation to the villagers enhancing the safety of vulnerable adults, young girls and boys and as an end result providing fertiliser for sustainable crop growth.

Health, welfare and safety of vulnerable adults and children are a major concern and with this project, you can make a difference.

Currie Balerno Rotary

Lighting Up Young Lives

The Choma community in Malawi is far from the electricity grid. Recent exam results are disappointing and the community has decided that for two months prior to the Standard 8 exams, the children camp out at their schools to get extra tuition in the evenings.

When it is dark any tuition ceases.

This Rotary project will provide solar charged battery lighting for classrooms, offices and a Girls’ Hostel as well as portable, rechargeable lamps put in sunlight by day and used in rooms by night.

Dronfield Rotary

Provide clean water and humanitarian aid to Yemen

Dronfield Rotary are helping Aquabox produce and deliver up 250 Gold boxes (each containing a family filter) and 10 Community filters to Yemen.

The Aquafilters have the capacity to supply potable water to up to 8000 citizens.

This helps avoid cholera and other waterborne diseases.

A Gold box provides a family of 5 with a water filter and up to 70 humanitarian aids.

The box contents help meet other immediate and urgent needs such as shelter building, cooking & eating, health & hygiene, education.

Lisburn Rotary

Right to Sight in Rombo

Lisburn Rotary wants to save the sight of hundreds of the Masai people in the Rombo District of Kenya.

To do this, they are building a specialised Eye Clinic to offer Cataract Operations, Eye Tests and education programmes to over 80,000 people in the region.

Currently over 40,000 of the Masai people have no permanent facility.

Redditch Kingfisher Rotary

Community Defibrillator and CPR Training Programme

This project will provide people in Redditch, UK with Public Access Defibrillators and Training in Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

More people will know what to do when someone has a cardiac arrest; with less than 1 in 10 people in the UK surviving an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the project will help save lives.

This project plans to map, publicise and support the public through education and awareness raising.

The ultimate aim is to ensure that all public access areas house a defibrillator, and the local residents are confident in using and knowing where it is based.

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