This year has been difficult for many, with lockdowns and social distancing affecting the way we live our lives.
These factors have also made fundraising very difficult, as the demand on services provided by charities has significantly increased.
Foodbanks are under more pressure to provide food to those who can’t afford it. Mental health charities have seen a surge in people reaching out to them for support as lockdown and lack of social interaction takes its toll.

Dublin Fingal Rotary Club webinar
Dublin Fingal Rotary Club, hasn’t let these restrictions stop them from fundraising. Even though restrictions prevented the traditional bucket collections, Dublin Fingal Rotary have had a great success hosting a fundraising webinar.
Rotary member David Murray explained: “The basic idea was both inspired and pretty simple – get a good speaker for a one hour webinar, and invite sponsorship from businesses, in exchange for which they would get sponsor recognition and the facility to invite a number of staff, customers, or friends to attend.”
Fingal Rotary Club wanted the focus of the conversation to be topical and relevant, so decided Covid-19 would be the focus.
They were able to secure CEO of the Health Service Executive speaking about ‘Managing change in the health service during a pandemic emergency.’
Even though restrictions prevented the traditional bucket collections, Dublin Fingal Rotary have had a great success hosting a fundraising webinar.”
David Murray added: “The webinar ran smoothly and the feedback from attendees and sponsors was extremely positive.
“In the end, we secured over €13,000 in sponsorship from around 60 individuals.”
The money raised will be used to support two existing club projects, and a project to support front line workers during the pandemic.
Dublin Fingal Rotary are pleased with the huge success of the fundraising webinar, and encourage other Rotary Clubs to adopt the same concept in order to continue their fundraising efforts during this time.