In Rotary terms, I always find February a very strange month.
Our current teams are still working at their respective projects/fund-raisers, while next year’s team is starting to prepare for a new Rotary year.
No matter where you are in the Rotary cycle, districts will be actively at work creating new, innovative club models and will need your support.
You can also help to expand your reach by creating a satellite club and by forming a community-based Rotaract club.
Maybe you should host at least one strategic meeting each year at which you could ask: “What should our club be like in five years and what steps should we take to help achieve that vision? What value do we bring our members?”
Select new members carefully, making sure that they are a good fit with your club and that your club meets their expectations. Engage with them and take care of them.
You know your own communities and what they need or benefit from.
What could revitalise your club and enthuse them? If you have ideas do not be afraid to put them to your club.
It is amazing how a small suggestion brought forward can put a spark into a Rotarian or Rotary club and suddenly you have a club project that could even get to Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland or even RI in America, but it cannot happen without you.
Always remember our own charity, The Rotary Foundation and please continue your club’s efforts to end polio by donating to End Polio Now. We must fulfil the promise that we made to the children of this world.