October-November 2021 | Comment

Amanda Watkin – General Secretary’s Column

Amanda Watkin – General Secretary’s Column

Rotary GB&I General Secretary, Amanda Watkin explains the benefits of the new and exciting Rotary Global Hub.

When you really enjoy something and believe it is good for you, you’ll also think it could be good for others – but do you tell your friends or keep that special something to yourself?

Sometimes Rotary is that ‘special something’ that we forget to share. Not because we’re selfish or forgetful but because we don’t always know how to describe the feeling and benefit from being a member of this amazing global network of humanitarians!

But the truth is that we need to share our joy, not least because more hands make light work but because our values of diversity, integrity, service, leadership and fellowship almost compel us to!

Today, we can meet in more relaxed ways that are designed to fit around the ever-increasing demands of work and family.”

There are many ways to be part of Rotary and the ‘Rotary club’ has been the bedrock of our network.

Today, we can meet in more relaxed ways that are designed to fit around the ever-increasing demands of work and family. But most recently Rotary Great Britain and Ireland, has developed a new and exciting direct membership model through the Rotary Global Hub.

Direct membership brings you into our global network with online 24/7 access to people, ideas and opportunities.

The opportunity to ‘meet’ weekly is provided (day/time varies) but is not mandatory as your Rotary contact is continuous through our Microsoft Teams site.

Rotary service remains an integral part of the direct membership experience, connecting with clubs at the local level who are doing extraordinary things, to take action and strengthen communities.”

Your Rotary experience begins the moment you are connected to one of the hub team members who will learn what you are passionate about, connect you with other like-minded members and support you all the way.

Rotary service remains an integral part of the direct membership experience, connecting with clubs at the local level that are doing extraordinary things, to take action and strengthen communities.

You’ll build friendships through ‘doing’ and those friendships can lead you into local club membership, giving increased leadership potential but importantly you can still be connected (24/7) to friends in the Rotary Global Hub.

If you would like to know more or know someone who would like to join Rotary, then get in touch through [email protected].

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