Rotary on the Fylde in Lancashire has been spreading good cheer and chocolate treats over the last few weeks.
Blackpool Palatine and St Anne’s on the Sea Rotary surprised the Ambulance Service in Blackpool and St Anne’s with treats, along with the Lifeboat Service and St Anne’s Hospital.
Poulton-Le-Fylde Rotary took the colours of the rainbow to NHS staff and brave children at the Children’s Ward Blackpool Victoria Hospital in the form of bags of crunchy M&Ms.
Children visiting Accident & Emergency and Outpatients will also benefit.
Later that day the chocolatiers from Poulton-le-Fylde Rotary took more crunchy greetings to Brian House Children’s Hospice in Fylde
Rotary’s ‘raising a smile’ in the Fylde is made possible by the generosity of Mars Chocolate, in collaboration with Rotary London.

Rotary on the Fylde in Lancashire has been spreading good cheer to local hospitals

A Taste of Freedom
Salford with Swinton Rotary is promoting a new limited edition gin to mark coming out of lockdown – and looking to boost funds for Rotary as well.
‘A Taste of Freedom’ is a limited-edition craft gin for June, marked as a celebration month for getting our lives back to greater normality.
Each bottle sold of only 100, will contribute £6 towards the campaign, turning into £18 with the established Gates Foundation support. All bottles will be numbered.
The gin has been distilled with passion by Sandgrown Spirits in Lancashire and priced at £30, plus postage where applicable.
These are not available in the shops and can be ordered online from Salford with Swinton Rotary through their website:
Fundraising for Kilsyth Rotary in North Lanarkshire has been seriously curtailed by the pandemic.
However Rotarian and artist, Rhona Morrison has rallied to the cause with her ‘Message of Hope’ campaign.
So I wondered whether I could use my creative skills for the greater good, the ‘service before self’ that I had been introduced to when I became a Rotarian in 2019.”
Rhona explained: “As an artist, my business was really busy, with customers commissioning unique pieces of artwork for loved ones to mark a cancelled birthday, anniversary, Christmas and wedding events with something very personal.
“These gestures let people know they were special and not forgotten, despite the lack of contact. So I wondered whether I could use my creative skills for the greater good, the ‘Service before Self’ that I had been introduced to when I became a Rotarian in 2019.”

Rhona started ‘Message of Hope’ to raise money for End Polio Now
Rhona started the ‘Message of Hope’ campaign to raise money for End Polio Now and improve the mental health of the recipients.
She has designed greetings cards featuring the crocus plant and purple dye, to echo Rotary’s awareness-raising campaign.
The cards have become a big seller. So far she has raised over £2,000, and matched with the generous Bill and Melinda Gates multiplier takes the total to £6,000.
A pack of five greetings cards can be ordered for £10 from:
Following the success over the last five years of its Christmas card, Lindum Lincoln Rotary is offering a new cover design for its 2021 cards.
Cards are sold in packs of 10 for £4.50 including post and packaging. All profits go to The Rotary Foundation UK.
Donations to End Polio Now since 2016 from Christmas card sales have totalled £23,393 which, with Bill & Melinda Gates double matching, grows to £70,179.”
The 2021 cover design is shown. The back page of the card explains Rotary’s long-term project to eradicate polio since 1985, as well as a membership marketing message about Rotary, Rotarians volunteering service, fun, fellowship, and how to join.
Last year’s Christmas card scheme raised £6,553. Donations to End Polio Now since 2016 from Christmas card sales have totalled £23,393 which, with Bill & Melinda Gates double matching, grows to £70,179.
For more details email: