Prime Minister Boris Johnson was among the visitors to the vaccination centre at Barnet Football Club’s ground in North London recently.
The Prime Minister spoke to vaccinators and staff to lend his support to their efforts.
In Essex, a partnership between Rayleigh Rochford & District Association for Voluntary Service, Audley Mills Pharmacy and NHS England, is supporting the mass vaccination for COVID-19.
However, there was a need for jackets for the marshals helping to supervise up to 500 people each day.
There, Rotarians from Edgware & Stanmore Rotary have been regularly helping health workers at The Hive with the vaccinations over the past month.”
Besides being able to provide volunteers, Rochford Rotary was able to donate 30 hi-visibility jackets to the partnership.
Victoria Marzouki, Chief Officer of RRAVS said: “We cannot thank Rochford Rotary enough for their generous donation of high visibility jackets to keep our volunteers safe at the vaccination centre.
“Rochford Rotary always has the local community at their heart and this donation will make a real difference to the vaccination roll-out in the Rochford District.”
Besides being able to provide volunteers, Rochford Rotary was able to donate 30 hi-visibility jackets to the partnership.”
Meanwhile, a joint Initiative between Southampton Magna and Southampton Rotary clubs has resulted in a new initiative to support their local community in Hampshire.
With COVID-19 preventing fundraising events, it was easy to do nothing and just wait until things improved. The problem was that society needed help and so the clubs looked at a joint venture to see what could be achieved.

A joint Initiative between Southampton Magna and Southampton Rotary clubs has resulted in a new initiative to support their local community in Hampshire.
A fund in excess of £10,000 was generated to help both senior citizens and families in need. Working closely with Iceland Retail Stores the team set about producing over 250 food hampers as a ‘gift from Rotary’
For senior citizens the team developed a working partnership with Communicare, St James Society, Age Concern and others to ensure the hampers reached the right people.
Further support was also given to provide support to the Muslim, Sikh and Hindu communities.
A fund in excess of £10,000 was generated to help both senior citizens and families in need.”
Family support was given to families in need through several food-banks in the city with additional help for the homeless.
As a new project the clubs needed to form working relationships with others within the city.
As a result of this the clubs have continued to support other such causes throughout January and February and most recently this has been a fresh foods initiative working with Wessex Heartbeat.
A spokesman for the two Southampton Rotary clubs said: “At a time when it was easier to turn the lights off it is encouraging to see how focus enabled the clubs to turn them on and support those in need.
“The project has opened new doors and generated new ideas. They are hopeful that this will enable them to take some of these ideas forward and maintain the core values of service before self.”