Rotarians are being encouraged to support the 75th anniversary events next year to mark Victory in Europe Day.
May Day is traditionally held on a Monday but will be put back to Friday, May 8th next year.

2020 will mark 75 years since Victory in Europe was declared on 8th May 1945.
VE Day, or Victory in Europe Day, marks the day towards the end of World War Two when fighting against Nazi Germany came to an end in Europe. The holiday will form part of a three-day weekend of commemorative events.
“The 75th anniversary of VE Day will provide our nation and our friends around the world with an opportunity to reflect on the enormous sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life,” said Rotarian Cheryle Berry, from Clay Cross Rotary in Derbyshire.
Cheryle is co-ordinating with Rotary clubs in Great Britain and Ireland to organise activities in 2020 to support the VE Day celebrations.
A list of activities planned for the May Bank Holiday weekend can be found on the VE Day 75 website and Cheryle is hoping many Rotary clubs will take the opportunity to get involved.
The 75th anniversary of VE Day will provide the world with an opportunity to reflect on the enormous sacrifice, courage and determination of people from all walks of life.”
There are materials to download and how to register events to get publicity, she said.
Among events which Rotary clubs might wish to participate in, these include:
- Friday, May 8th at 3pm: The nation’s toast to the heroes of World War II
- Friday, May 8th at 6.55pm: A cry for peace (town criers)
- Friday, May 8th at 7pm: Ringing for peace (bell ringers)
- Friday, May 8th at 7pm: Battle’s O’er (bagpipes)
- Saturday, May 9th and Sunday, May 10th: Street parties
- Sunday, May 10th: Church services
“This is an opportunity for our Rotary clubs to take part, organise events and pay tribute to those who gave so much to ensure we all enjoy the freedom we have today,” added Cheryle.
“All clubs registering events on the VE Day 75 website will be able to download a specially designed certificate which is just for Rotary.”
For more details, contact Cheryle via email.