Rotary Showcase

Rotary honours its Champions of Change

Rotary honours its Champions of Change

Nottingham’s grand Council House, one of the landmarks of the lace city, hosted Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland’s annual showpiece to honour those who have gone the extra mile in the service of their communities.

From providing support to those suffering with mental health issues, to an inspirational woman who has been at the heart of a school project in Uganda, Rotary paid tribute to its Champions of Change in Nottingham.

Fourteen recipients were honoured in the grand surroundings of Nottingham Council House where the awards were presented by the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Cllr Liaqat Ali.

The Champions of Change awards celebrate the impact which Rotarians and community champions are both making on a daily basis.

This year, seven Rotarians were presented with awards, and a further seven community champions, who had been nominated by their local Rotary clubs, were also honoured.

Rotary International chairman, Barry Rassin, paid tribute to the winners.

He said: “We recognise those who are making significant change in their communities, which is why we exist as an organisation.

“These individuals are making change every single day in their communities.

“Tonight, we recognise members of our community who are truly champions. It is a pleasure to hear their stories.

“There is a saying that if you want to touch the past, touch a rock; if you want to touch the present, touch a flower; and if you want to touch the future, touch a life.

“Here we recognise the futures you have changed and how you have set others in the right direction.

“Thank you for making the change in your communities and making our world a better place.”

Champions of Change winners (Rotary):

  • Ken Berkin (South Foreland Rotary)
  • Nick Corke (Framingham Rotary)
  • John East (Darwen Rotary)
  • Katy Harris (Farnborough Rotary)
  • Chris Spencer (Nottingham Rotary)
  • Lori Spragg (Marlow Bridge Rotary)
  • Angela Williams (Chester Riverside Rotary)

Champions of Change winners 2019

Community Champion winners:

  • Wendy Catterick (Kent Refugee Action Network Learning for Life Project) – nominated by South Foreland Rotary
  • Amber Cowburn (Invictus Trust) – nominated by Lostwithiel Rotary
  • Sharon Firth (Beat Autism) – nominated by Normanton Rotary
  • Donna Fitzpatrick (Fullarton Community Hub) – nominated by Irvine Seagate Rotary
  • Jan Lewis (Ty-Golau, House of Light) – nominated by Pembrey & Burry Port Rotary
  • Josephine Middlemiss (Ethiopia Medical Project) – nominated by Kinross & District Rotary
  • Sarah Jane Minns (Inspire Health: Fighting Prostate Cancer campaign) – nominated by Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary

Community Champions winners 2019