
Rotary raising funds for great causes

Rotary raising funds for great causes

Rotary is all about helping our communities and providing humanitarian service, whether it is through raising funds or hands-on volunteering, Rotarians are always ready to help.

Christchurch Rotary, Southwest England, have granted their local charity – Friends of Christchurch Station (FCS) £350 towards the cost of plants and compost for their floral display in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee.

FCS is a group of volunteers who are part of the Christchurch Community Partnership set up to improve the railway station.

Rotary President Marianne Abley, together with committee member John Gatti, met Friends organisers Gill Jarvis and David Brand at the Station to see the excellent results.

Gill explained how Covid-19 has impacted the charity’s work, and how this is the perfect way to all come back together.

This summer the first female crew in Folkestone Rowing Club’s history will row the Channel in memory of the Club’s greatly missed member Jenna Parsons who passed away in 2019″

She said: “We have been working since 2007 to help improve the appearance and amenity of our lovely station but have been hindered of late by the COVID pandemic.

“So, now that we can get together, it seemed fitting to mark the Queen’s Jubilee with a special floral display. We are very grateful to Christchurch Rotary for helping to make this a reality.”

Friends of the Station David Brand and Gill Jarvis meet Rotarians Marianne Abley and John Gatti to mark the celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee with a big floral display

This summer the first female crew in Folkestone Rowing Club’s history will row the Channel in memory of the Club’s greatly missed member Jenna Parsons who passed away in 2019.

Channel Rotary is very pleased to donate £500 towards the Brains Trust Appeal in Jenna’s memory.  Receiving the cheque from Channel Rotary President Gary Calver, Rowing Club Chairman Trevor Dawes said:

Channel Rotary ÂŁ500 presentation to Folkestone Rowing Club for Channel Row.

“Thank you to Channel Rotary for their donation to a charity which means so much to Folkestone Rowing Club after the sadness of losing a much loved and talented rowing member.

“Brain cancer is the biggest killer of children and adults under 40 but remains little known.  The Rowing Club ladies are very pleased to support the Brains Trust charity and to help raise awareness through this rarely attempted cross Channel 22-mile row to France when wind and tide permit”.

An England Football Team shirt from 2015 has been auctioned off earlier in May during Volunteer Expo to raise funds for the End Polio Now campaign.

With the shirt previously being auctioned off for the End Polio Now campaign back in 2015 it has in total raised over ÂŁ11,500 for End Polio Now.”

The shirt is from the time when England was in the Euro Qualifiers and was signed by Wayne Rooney as well as all the other members of the team.

The shirt was gifted to RFUK to be auctioned off by John Elford Box who is Rotary’s Ambassador for Polio.

The auction was started by Rotary International President Jennifer Jones and the shirt was sold for ÂŁ1900.

Jennifer Jones together with John Elford Box presenting the football shirt.

However, the new owner immediately presented the shirt back as a gift to be auctioned off again, raising almost the same amount as the first auction.

With the shirt previously being auctioned off for the End Polio Now campaign back in 2015 it has in total raised over ÂŁ11,500 for End Polio Now.