The Twelve Songs for Christmas CD, which includes a selection of hymns and Christmas songs is being released this week by Darlington Rotary.
Organiser of the project, Rotarian Jane Bradshaw, said: “Two choirs, two Darlington Primary schools, individual singers and even the Darlington Rotary council have sung their hearts out to raise funds for our charities.
“All the contributors have some connection to Rotary. We have a couple of professional musicians, but all of them are just singing for the joy of it.”
The CD will make a great backdrop to Christmas festivities and we hope plenty of people will buy it, as all the proceeds will go into our funds for local charities.”
The choirs – St Teresa’s choir and The Little Choir from Teesdale – contain Rotary members and the two schools – Reid Street and Abbey – have a Rotakids group, a junior section of Rotary.
Two professional musicians – Harriet Bradshaw (Jane’s daughter and a former Darlington Rotary Young Musician of the Year) and her partner M G Boulter – also contribute.

Organiser of the project and Rotarian Jane Bradshaw with the Rotary Christmas CDs.
To make it a family affair, Jane’s husband, Pete, accompanies many of the singers on guitar. Jane also sings, duetting with another Rotarian Sue Campbell.
Darlington Rotary president Peter Phillips said: “The Rotary council can hardly be said to be practised, but we really enjoyed singing out a couple of Christmas perennials at our November meeting, making it our most unusual agenda item to date.
“The CD will make a great backdrop to Christmas festivities and we hope plenty of people will buy it, as all the proceeds will go into our funds for local charities.”
The CD will be sold for £7.50. People can contact Darlington Rotary on to enquire about obtaining a copy.